Friday, March 25, 2022


March ends, its chilliness and winds lessening ever-so-slowly. Spring flowers run rampant across their beds. Everyone prepares for spring and the COVID freedoms it offers. 

Work is challenging--after two years of teleworking we are going back into the office a day or two at a time. How much of our socialization skills have we lost! Others have aged, married or had children or relatives and friends die in the last two years. But the skill of observing (or ignoring) others is slow to reacquire; the tongue has forgotten how to make small talk; the mind learns how to integrate the new observations in with the old. At my desk lie dusty unopened Christmas cards, invitations, notices of hearings past. It's like entering a time capsule and it's time to clean up. 

So this spring will be spent cleaning up premises and relationships in anticipation of the future. And the same is true of our lives.